Congratulations, we welcome you to our program. You have made the right decision, and we are excited to work with you. I'm Vicki Cohen, the Director of the School of Education. I've been at Fairleigh Dickinson University for over 20 years now. And I have to say that the one thing that I really love about Fairleigh Dickinson University are our students. We have fabulous students who are committed to becoming teachers and educational leaders. We have really superb staff and faculty who support our students as well in all areas from advising, mentoring, and guiding them through their career at FDU, and afterwards.
We have many different programs that we can offer you. Our QUEST program is a five year accelerated program in which within five years, you can obtain a Master's degree. We also have as part of that the Masters of Arts in Teaching or MAT program. Our MAT program is for traditional students who have their Bachelor's degree already and want to become a certified teacher. We have a Master's in Educational Leadership, which leads to one of three things. You can either just go for a 12 credit supervisory certification, you can go for your principal certification, and you can complete it all with your Master's degree. The last program that we have is an EDD in higher education. We also have a number of certificate programs. One of the leading ones is our Dyslexia Specialist program. We have an Instructional Technology certificate. We also have a certification in ESL, English as a Second Language, and bilingual education. Teacher certification programs and educational leader programs are CAPE accredited, and that's the highest accreditation that you can get, and we are now accredited for seven years, which is really quite an honor.
We have a lot of experiential learning in classroom settings. We also have our students do field experiences in a campus that we own in Wroxton, England, and many of our students can go over there for a semester and do their field experiences in local educational classrooms which they have found extremely helpful and really expands their perspective on teaching in an international setting. We also have Pi Delta Kappa, an honorary fraternity for those who achieve a high academic achievement within their GPA.
Many of our faculty and many of our students have won awards. The Teacher of the Year in New Jersey is one of our alum. Many of our faculty have written books and have many outstanding publications in leading journals in the United States. They've also done outstanding presentations at local, state, national, and international conferences. We offer small class sizes, a lot of personalized attention, and we will guide and mentor you throughout your program. So I would urge you to go to FDU's webpage which is at and if you look under academics, you will find the School of Education. You can also contact the School of Education and one of our faculty are always willing to talk to any student who's interested in applying. Our school is your school and we are excited to work with you as you move forward. Thank you.